Punctuation Graveyard: The Hedera

Today in Punctuation Graveyard, we resurrect the curious mark known as the hedera.


What exactly is the hedera, and why was it used?
The hedera is a lovely piece of punctuation primarily found in early Latin and Greek texts. Its purpose was to signify a break between paragraphs, as well as to look nice upon the page. Also known by some as a fleuron, the mark had a strictly ornamental use, perhaps the reason for its extinction. Whereas in these modern times we use simpler symbols such the asterisk and the pilcrow to show breaks, the more complicated hedera was a predecessor to these modern markings, albeit a more aesthetically pleasing one.

What does it look like?
The hedera can be described essentially as a floral heart, but can appear differently depending on the variant used. The word itself is Latin for ivy, and this origin clearly shows in the styling of the mark, which has a tendency to have vine-like swirls branching off from it. There are many different variants and designs of the hedera, and the mark can be placed vertically or, alternatively, rotated onto its side and displayed horizontally. For a look at the many different appearances it can take, a font exists that showcases many of its styles.

How do I use it?
The hedera was used ornamentally to signify a break in text. While it is uncommon in today’s day and age, it can still be used, and can even be found in a few typefaces. There are several ways to produce a hedera/fleuron digitally. The simplest method is to copy and paste the mark from their usage in this sentence, otherwise, it can be found as Unicode character U+2766 () for the vertical variant, or U+2767 () for the horizontal variant.

In Summary:
The hedera is a beautiful piece of ornamental punctuation which was used to show a break between text. While its usage has dwindled over the years, it has not yet completely disappeared from our midst, and can still occasionally be found in use today (such as in The Wordict’s very own website header!).hedera

114 responses to “Punctuation Graveyard: The Hedera

  1. Hedera was mentioned and used as for a punchline on the completely buzzless-yet-still-hit show “Last Man Standing”! (Season 6, Episode 12)

  2. Another person who was led here by Last Man Standing. And now the punctuation graveyard has led me to “interrobang”. My new favorite. Time to bring it back.

  3. I have a BS in Physics so engish punctuation spelling and capitilzation were not really focused on

  4. I’m part of the LMS crowd too. I always look stuff up when I don’t know what it is our want to know more. Trapped the show, so just now watching it & it is paused for the moment. Glad I’m not done in this. Lol

  5. My wife is a doctorate professor of English, saw Last Man Standing, two guesses why I’m here?
    P.S. She teaches it, I mangle it, so…

  6. Another person brought here because of “Last Man Standing”…
    Guess I am not the only one who looks up things she has never before heard…
    Thanks, The Wordict, for providing this information. Your site is awesome! I love grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary!

    • Me too!! God I love that show. I’ve been binge watching it. ABC is so stupid for taking this off the air!

  7. Hey! Has anyone seen that show about this guy on a show about tools? He had a couple of boys , guess it didn’t. Work .. so now he has 3 chicks with a 2nd wife . Any how that meandered to a joke about” a symbol…. ewwh.. Hedra was the weirdo Jennifer j. Leigh portrayed in “single white female “with a Fonda

  8. Boom! I just watched Last Man Standing and didn’t believe hedera was a real thing. And look where I landed.

  9. Ba ha ha. I’m so laughing right now. Last man standing binge watching and had to look up Hedera too. Wow people are so much alike xo

  10. “WHAT’S A HEDERA!?”… WAIT! What? Is everybody else already here because of LMS?? I’m always late!

  11. I as well looked it up after hearing Mike Baxter..If it wasn’t for computers and tablets very few would have bothered to get the dictionary lol

  12. I really wish they’d bring back Last Man Standing…

    I’ve watched this episode a few times, but tonight, it was driving me crazy that I still didn’t know what a “Hedera” was, which led me here. So now, my knowledge has advanced from watching LMS! 😉

  13. Well, I have a masters in English, too — and I never heard of a hedera (except on LMS)!!!! Let’s toast to binge watching!!

  14. I too am here because of watching LSM and for some reason I find my self laughing because of every ones response.
    Man, I miss these guys.
    More power to the Hedera!

  15. Hi everyone who has googled this word. Watched this episode soo many times I finally decided to check on its meaning too!lol. Here it is,the fourteenth of April, 2018 watching our favorite show,which I hear is coming back on , WGN America, YES,!! Can’t wait for more educational episodes,til then,,,,,,,👨🏻👵🏻🇮🇹🇺🇸❤️👍🏼

  16. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this! There might be ONE person who didn’t say they came here because of LMS! Hah! I, too, love the show – never saw it originally so watching reruns, but it’s super!

    They have addressed a number of pretty serious topics, which impressed me greatly. Of course, a couple have also made me break down and cry. 😉

    I don’t recall ever hearing the word before, but when Mike asked, I had to search. CONGRATS everyone – we have all learned something.

  17. Last Man Standing victim here too!!! I can’t believe the show was cancelled. It was obviously educational.

  18. Once again…Last Man Standing caused to look up Hedera. I’m missing the show, so I’m watching it all over again!!!

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